, I'm Justin!
I'm a software engineer 📱
digital creator 🏗️
& curious optimist 🦊

Stuff I Liked

Screen Sober
Screen Sober
An app that helps you develop a healthy relationship with your phone. - Daily Creative Prompts - Daily Creative Prompts
Spark new ideas, build creative habits, and have fun making art with others :)
How I Learned to Live DJ with Code
How I Learned to Live DJ with Code
Using SonicPI to play a live DJ set using code!
Explained in 20 Seconds
Explained in 20 Seconds
Short videos explaining software engineering topics in 20 seconds or less. Was popular on TikTok (RIP)
One Second Everyday - Video Journal
One Second Everyday - Video Journal
I take a clip (almost) every day and stitch them together at the end of each year. Ongoing project since 2013. Not public anymore, but continually one of the most impactful projects I've done.
(2021) LifterRun - Marketplace for Personal Training Sessions
(2021) LifterRun - Marketplace for Personal Training Sessions
Built MVP platform & app in 2021 for realtime personal training matchmaking in NYC parks using Firebase, Stripe Connect, React Native.
(2019) BatterUp - Live Fan Interaction Game
(2019) BatterUp - Live Fan Interaction Game
iOS and Android app for fans to compete at live baseball games. Project and parent company (Flytrapps) sunsetted in 2019.
(2014) Flooded - iOS Game (retired)
(2014) Flooded - iOS Game (retired)
A fun fast-paced arcade game for iOS
@ Justin Poliachik ~ all of the years ~